Saturday, 14 June 2008


Psychedelic Horseshit are fucking awesome. Other people seem to agree too, which is nice as we're putting out their debut UK single in July and it'd be good to sell loads and spend the profits on cans of Ting and multipacks of Monster Munch.

There's a Vice interview here

Spin Magazine article on shitgaze, featuring Times New Viking and Pink Reason too:


Drowned In Sound have written about the single here, which was nice.

And reviewed their UK gig with Yeasayer here

The Fly reviewed the gig too

The Daily Growl wrote nice things and posted one of the b-sides here

You can buy the single from the end of July on 7" only from...everywhere.

Here's the sleeve. Matt hand made it and brought it over to give to me at ATP a few weeks ago. A work of art...


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