Friday, 27 June 2008

Lil' Wayne

"The greatest rapper alive".

So say you, Dwayne.

So Lil Wayne (Dwayne Carter) has sold a million copies of 'Lollipop' in the US and pretty much fuck all over here.

"I don't write shit 'cos I ain't got time."

However, 'Lollipop' is a tune and the lyrics make no sense - "I told her to back it up/Like burp, burp." - what?

What I like about Wayne most though is summed up in this quote - "Wayne will ignore all incoming beefs and infuriate challengers even further by offering the lethal "I don't listen to your records"

1 comment:

sebastian said...

"burp burp" is the sound a truck makes while backing up.

thereof "I told her to back it up/Like burp, burp."